Tuesday, February 5, 2013

a week

that's how old oliver is today. 

i'm starting to get into the rhythm of this new life. like, not constantly looking at my child wondering if i have enough time to make it to the bathroom and back before he wakes up. {as if that would be the most horrible thing.}

another thing. i'm taking like 80 photographs a day. and they're the same thing over and over. oliver sleeping. oliver looking around. oliver sleeping. you get the drift. anyway, i am that mother. obsessed.

it's all so primal, you know? i join all of the other parents who say that they never fell in love so fast and deep with someone they just met. and before oliver, i thought that was just something nice you say about parenthood to get other people to become parents. or to establish some sort of exclusivity to discern between parents and non-parents. i don't know what i thought. but i never thought i would feel this. 

what a funny combination. to have such primal instincts in modern times. like when strangers make small talk about how old your baby is and how cute he is {which is undeniable}. and you know in your mind that this is harmless - endearing even, that a baby can bring people together. but if your gut had the microphone it would be saying, "back off bitch" to that very nice stranger. 

anywho. life has changed, and we love it.

our first day home from the birthing center

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