Friday, April 5, 2013

like cats and dogs

isn't this the coziest?

i love the rain. love it. you would think that i would be a strong candidate for a move to seattle. ooh, i'm getting excited just looking at that picture! 

the clouds really gave it to our streets. nik and i looked out onto the street below and saw the water rising up from the street and flooding the sidewalks! i was squealing i was so excited. i ran from the living room to the bedroom and back trying to find the best view while nik laughed. 

but, you see, when we were out in tahoe we didn't really get rain. what was rain in the valley was snow to us. you can't really complain when you're getting snow like that. but still. i wanted some variety, you know?

anyway, this made me remember watching for tornadoes when my brother and i were little. i think this must be a tornado alley thing to do... at least i hope so. otherwise, it might mean we had a couple of screws loose.

you would have never seen us more industrious... or collaborative for that matter. my brother and i would ready the big closet with blankets, sustenance {treats and candies}, and our nervous miniature schnauzer, katia. then we'd run to the television to watch the meteorologist highlight the current path of the tornado. upon finding out that it was plenty far away, we'd run back to the closet {if we didn't have to corral our dog again, poor thing} and build up our fortress some more.

for those of you who aren't familiar with tornadoes, there are several degrees of severity. and most of the time the tornado is nothing much to worry about. but you know how local news can be. there's always something to worry about.

as kids, we bought into it. our job, after creating this little tornado refuge in the closet, was to convince our parents that we needed to stay up, that the tornado was so close. some of the time it worked, and some of the time it didn't. {now that i'm a parent myself, i'm sure the decision was based on how much they wanted us to tire ourselves out.}

what a funny little flashback. if only we could get thunderstorms to put us to bed at night and a bright shining sun to wake us up in the morning. that would be divine.

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