several months ago, when the baby first started moving, i would have to lay on my stomach to compress myself so we could feel the little baby flutters. those little butterfly movements.
even when we were on the beach in Coronado, i would lay on my tummy and have nik stick his hand between me and the sand to feel our little baby moving around.
a month or two after that, we started identifying our little one's movements. at first, a hand felt just like a foot, and an elbow felt just like a knee. and that was when we came up with the term "twinkle toes" - or, used as a verb, "twinkle toes-ing."
but now! at eight and change months pregnant we know that they really are little feeties. and those feeties love twinkle toes-ing up in mama's ribs!
with only a few weeks left, i'm growing more and more excited about what those little feeties and toes look like. sometimes i try - without much success - to grab onto the little foot just to hold onto something. but, my stomach won't allow it. it just doesn't quite work out.
sure, i can't wait to find out what the baby looks like, who's nose, and which family member's ears the baby will carry on. whether it's a boy or a girl. but those little feeties have become how we know our little one. it's how we all define our day - is the baby awake or asleep?
i can't wait to have answers to our questions - will the baby continue to point and flex? or, is the baby just stretching out the legs?
baby, we're so eager to have you in our arms so we can touch those little toes and fingers that have told us what you've been up to during the last few months.
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