Monday, January 7, 2013

an easy one

as most of us do, nik and i thought up some light, healthy meals for the new year. more than anything, just to have a change from the very rich foods we ate over the holidays. well, that and i gained 5 pounds in 10 days during Christmastime. {this, of course, raised some concern among the midwives.}

not to worry, things are back in control. 

anyway, last night we had a most delicious sandwich - portabello mushrooms, avocado, tomatoes and provolone on a rustic bread. 

i'd love to take credit for it, but you see i've been reading A Homemade Life by molly wizenberg and she mentioned this sandwich in passing. it wasn't even one of her recipes. it was just a part of a story she was telling. and it made me remember that i, too, love this sandwich.

anyway. thanks to molly, we had a wonderful sunday dinner. we highly recommend it. 

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