Thursday, July 7, 2011

a hike

as you know, we're leaving tomorrow, so it would seem to be perfect timing to get out and stretch our legs on a good hike.

so, this morning we all got up and out by seven. {this was quite difficult for me because i got to see one of my college besties last night and i got home a little late...though i'm not complaining! totally worth it.}

HOWEVER. although our dog has gone on 15+ mile hikes with us - along the rim of the tahoe basin at 7000+ feet, keep in mind - we failed to take into consideration the fact that she has had no real exposure to heat.

needless to say, the two hour hike became a four hour hike.
on the route back, we had to stop every 10 minutes so she could rest in the shade and drink some water.

so now, we just want to lay around all day. perfect.

i'm so grateful for my little pup's now good health. off to buy her some treats now.
here are some pictures of our hike - enjoy!

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