Tuesday, May 1, 2012


i am such a goof ball. i just found this half worked on post that i was supposed to take care of in february. well, here it is now...

because nik has family and friends in germany, we were able to visit a couple of different cites - although they're a short distance away - they're such different areas. we took the train from bonn to koln to visit with nik's friends.

upon arriving, we went out with nik's friends.
first, to one of the city's christmas markets

our friends

next, to the koln cathedral.

check out the cardinals' red robes! i was obsessed!

then, dinner at the kolsch brewery.

the next day, nik and i went back to the cathedral to climb up one of the steeples! it's so high up the air - nik was cool as a cucumber. i was not so much.

the worn down steps

relics of the three wise men

again, the three wise men

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