Thursday, July 5, 2012

let them eat cake

when sofia coppola made marie antoinette, i became enamored with her. marie antoinette, i mean. in that light, this {and the next} post is all things marie. the macaroons used in the films, the palace she lived in at versailles, and the country home she resided in to get away from palace life.

these were wonderful. no wonder they were used in the film.

i know these lines probably seem daunting, but they did move them along nicely.

i also have gates of gold surrounding my home - we were unimpressed of course

the chapel

again, the chapel from the second floor

oh, those logs? they're full tree trunks. i'm being completely serious. HUGE fireplace.

and how ornate are the doors? i mentioned something along these lines to nik for our future home and he quickly changed the subject. i'll have to bring it up later...

isn't the ceiling gorgeous?

hall of mirrors

the king's bed

a bust of marie, in her room

marie's bed

marie's bedroom

detail of marie's draperies and ceiling
where the king and queen dined

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