Tuesday, July 10, 2012

a self-identified homebody

i’m now working for the summer, and the past 8 or weeks i’ve been committed to weekly travels. it sounds very exotic, but really it’s not. that’s not to say i’m not enjoying myself, but i do love being at home.
to feel like I am actually at home, i’ve been trying to cook each weekend, packing the fruits of my labors for the week ahead, and enjoying little treats from my hotel room. i am also fantasizing about meals that feel like home.
interestingly, one of the meals that has been on my mind lately is the breakfasts we had while in Germany – kvarck, hearty rolls with homemade jam, and big carafes of tea. the underlying current to these, for me at least, is the wholeness of the foods and the authenticity of sitting around in your pajamas with family for hours.
now that I’m far away, i’m kicking myself for not at least taking a photograph of these foods. but, maybe it’s something that’s supposed to live in my memory. at least until the next time we visit.
i digress. i wanted to share this recipe with you, and since i changed nothing and enjoyed it completely, i’m just going to provide the link to the recipe from a fellow okie, ms. molly wizenberg. enjoy!

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