Thursday, January 10, 2013


last night after dinner i mentioned that i really had a hunger for cake. nik interpreted this as another one of my projects - that i would be making a cake the next day. jokester. i needed one that night. so off i went in search of a cake and found some cupcakes to my liking. 

when i got home and started enjoying my finds, nik thought the moment need to be captured for all time, saying, "this definitely needs to be on the blog." 

so here it is - a weak moment in every woman's pregnant life. captured for all time. 

now looking at this, i think it's particularly fitting that my hair looks crazy. like i've been scouring the grocery store shelves like a madwoman. frantic, even, in my cake quest. in reality it was the humidity brought in by the rain. {no really, that's the truth.}

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