Wednesday, January 16, 2013

what's a week-end?

i just discovered that downton abbey's season 3 can be viewed here! for free!

this is a big deal to those of us in the york household. we quickly became obsessed - along with everyone else that's seen the series - when we viewed season 1. so much so that when we were able to, we purchased season 2. and we're not normally those kinds of people. 

we're of the cheap - let's call it judicious - variety, that waits until it comes out on the netflix watch instantly. {we don't even mess around with paying the few extra dollars for dvds any more. instead - we joined hulu and love it.}

we also joined the "i'm not paying for cable" movement a while back, and have been quite pleased at how well that's worked out for us. the 100 bucks a month the cable company is asking is quite an entertainment budget, if you ask me.

so, since we don't pay for cable, that means we don't get pbs. which means we were going to wait for the abbey to arrive on netflix. but now we don't have to!

{oh, and the title of the post - just maggie smith being brilliant. click here for the clip. and if you're a newcomer, the same website looks like it has seasons 1 & 2 as well.}


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