Thursday, February 14, 2013

sending love your way

happy valentine's day to all of you! 

this morning i got the best valentine's gift i could have received - nik took baby ollie for about an hour so i could get some rest in bed. 

usually oliver sleeps through the night pretty well, waking up only once or twice. i know i'm lucky for that. but he must be going through a growth spurt cause i swear i was feeding him for 3 hours straight. 

at about 6, oliver thought it was playtime. silly me. why didn't i think of that!

anyway, those two clowned around in the living room while i got a few more minutes in bed. and then! nik told me he thought i looked good this morning! i did not look good, but that meant so much to me. 

that, to him, i look good as the very tired mama of his child.
it's the little things that count. 

have a fantastic day today. i'll be spending this evening with my two guys. and maude, of course.

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