Monday, April 8, 2013

he's a looker

it has been the most fun watching oliver discover things that were always there. recent finds include our black and white map of the world, rubber duckies that light up in the bathtub, moving boxes {this gives me a reason not to unpack - ha!}, and the view outside.

{papa's bicycle and ceiling fans still hold a special place in this boy's heart, though.}

as you might imagine, this has made nursing a conflicted experience for him. i can see his thought process - "i'm so hungry, i have to eat... wait a second, you mean two walls come together to form a corner? hold the phone! uh oh, i just remembered that i'm starving. i better wail until mom figures this out." and this pattern continues.

on friday afternoon, i took some pictures of him looking around. in these, he's looking outside, at the fan and at me.

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