Thursday, May 2, 2013

Posting from Nik.

this posting will be from Nik.

I've noticed that all the other blog posts seem to be missing more than just simple syntax-- proper capitalization, indentation, etc.-- but also missing are posts featuring the author, my wife.

Per the recommendation from a friend of mine (thanks, Brian!), Anne, Oliver and I went to Mil'a in the 1er for tapas and wine.  This gave me a good opportunity to change the pattern!

Here are some photos I captured:

Oliver wondering why he gets stuck with (boring old) milk...

Also, Anne forgot to mention some other particulars to Oliver's big 0.25: we went to a toy store and let him pick out his favorite stuffed animal.  In the end it was down to a jaguar and a chicken, but he finally decided on the chicken.  Here they are napping together:

And if you're wondering, "what goes into getting all those candid photos of Oliver at his monthly birthdays?"  Well, here is a behind the scenes look at the photo shoot:

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