Thursday, March 14, 2013

the farm

i woke this morning with anticipation. have they brought out this morning’s breakfast basket, yet? i opened the door and didn’t see anything. i then quickly surveyed the porch to see if maybe – maybe – i had overlooked it. no. nothing.

well, i thought, i just woke up, so maybe they haven’t gotten around to it yet. i’d better give them a signal that i'm awake. yes, that should do it. a signal. i opened the blinds in the kitchen. yes. any minute now, i thought, while furtively glancing toward the windows and door.

we’ve come out to a farm. an organic farm, actually. and i’ve been reminded – through fresh milk, creamed butter, and swiss chard – of what i’ve been missing. certainly, we pay attention to what we eat, but man. food is so good when it’s fresh and produced with intention. i don’t even like milk! but our jug is almost gone and i’m rationing it like a mad woman.

i ran into {tracked down} one of the farm’s owners yesterday afternoon and got all of the details. i know which farmer’s market to visit when we’re back in austin. and, i know which vendors to go to. i now feel like i’ve received an invitation to a private sample sale and whoever gets in first gets the best goodies. i’m restless with this information. but the farmer’s market isn’t until saturday, and i’ll have to cope with this feeling until then. subdue it somehow.

we arrived a couple of days ago, and since then, have spent our time walking the grounds, picking vegetables from the garden, and reading. the fact that i’m reading julia child’s memoir is all too perfect.
it seems that i have a leaning for this kind of life. 

did i ever tell you that i dream of having a farm? well, it’s true. ever since i read whittaker chamber’s letter to my children – the preface to his book, witness – i’ve been enamored with the idea. of being self-reliant. and teaching my children about life through nature.

i mentioned this all to nik last night. and he didn’t balk. so hey! clearly, there are a few barriers between me and my urban farm – a backyard for starters. and a house that goes with that backyard. those barriers might be giving the discussion a rosy glow, but i’ll take it. and then i mentioned a chicken coop. i think he knew that was coming; he didn’t laugh or tease for too long.

we’ll wait and see about my farm, but in the meantime we can enjoy pictures from an existing one.

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