Wednesday, April 10, 2013

a mama - son date

do you remember your mom scrubbing the produce clean after you got home from the grocery store? i sure do. man, if we ate an apple before it was washed, forget it. mom made it seem as though a call to the cdc was inevitable. those pesky pesticides.

what a fresh experience to wash vegetables with the dirt still on them.


we finally made it to our farmer's market. 

it was so much fun, and like always, women swooned over little ollie. not only this, but a couple of toddlers came over and wanted to play and hug him! oliver loves studying older boys, so he was happy as a clam. slightly confused, but happy. {sidenote. one little boy's parents informed me that he was going to play with oliver. strange! shouldn't that have been a question?}

i had been craving that milk i told you about when we went to winfield farms. mmm. i might have to get a glass right now...

okay, back on track. i picked up milk, produce, a chicken and some beef. 
you know, you just feel like the air is better over that section of the earth. 

ok. the mall was right there, people. what else was i supposed to do?
also, strollers are handy!
i would've had a baby long ago if i had known about this.

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